ENKIx: Enabling Knowledgeable Task Guidance In the Extremes

ENKIx: Enabling Knowledgeable Task Guidance In the Extremes

Enabling Knowledgeable ​Task Guidance In the Extremes​ (ENKIx) is focused on augmenting human cognition by developing an assistive system powered by AI that can guide users through procedural tasks, at the extremes of human task performance, including high hazard and risky operations under harsh and high-demand environments. The system is designed for augmented reality (AR) headset technology. Dr. Jaime Ruiz of the Ruiz HCI Lab is the lead investigator heading up a large team (see below)! The INIT Lab is primarily contributing to the design of the mixed-initiative user interface with the system, which must be able to adapt based on the task, stress, situation, and other contextual factors. Stay tuned!

The INIT Lab, in conjunction with the Ruiz HCI Lab, have been working on: 

  • Creating the AR app
  • Designing the interface that the user will see, using a user-centered design approach
  • Tracking the state of the world (where objects are in the AR)
  • Voice and gesture input

Other teams at UF and associate performers are working on:​ 

  • Task representation: the state of the task and what steps are not yet completed
  • User modeling: determining user’s cognitive and physical stress levels, and knowing their skill level
ENKIx Publications

Refereed Conference Papers & Posters

Coming soon!


This work is partially supported by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Association (DARPA) award #HR0011-22-2-0004. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect these agencies’ views.

The Team: UF HCI

Dr. Jaime Ruiz
Dr. Lisa Anthony
Alexander Barquero 
Rodrigo Calvo 
Niriksha Regmi 
Dinank Bista
Andrew Tompkins

Our Collaborators

Dr. James Fairbanks (UF CISE)
Dr. David Kaber (UF ISE)
Dr. Taskin Padir (Northeastern University)
Dr. Maryam Zahabi (Texas A&M University)
Dr. Evan Patterson (Topos Institute)
Dr. Isaac Wang (James Madison University)
