MTAGIC Project: CHI Presentation

In the last post, we mentioned that our paper on the MTAGIC study – “Characterizing How Interface Complexity Affects Children’s Touchscreen Interactions” – was accepted to CHI 2016, a top conference for Human Computer Interaction! The paper focused on whether… Read More

MTAGIC Project: CHI 2016 paper accepted!

In the last post, we had submitted our paper on the MTAGIC study findings and were waiting to find out if it was accepted. Our paper, “Characterizing How Interface Complexity Affects Children’s Touchscreen Interactions”, was accepted to CHI 2016, a… Read More

MTAGIC Project: Gesture analysis

In our last post we discussed how we were working on replicating analyses from previous studies. We have completed these analyses and written and submitted a paper on our findings. When our paper is accepted, we will post the abstract… Read More

MTAGIC Project: Target analysis

In our last update about MTAGIC we were validating the data and starting to do analysis and looking for patterns. Since then we have finished our analysis and have submitted a paper to a conference on human computer interaction. Some… Read More

MTAGIC Project: Searching for patterns

In our last update we had just finished running the study and we were just about to start analyzing the data. Since then we have been focusing on validating all of the data and working on the analysis. We have… Read More

MTAGIC Project: Study recruitment week (Feb 23-27)

This past week the MTAGIC team took its talents to P.K. Yonge Developmental School to recruit for the studies coming up in weeks to come. The recruitment process was pleasant eventhough members of the team were slightly nervous given that… Read More

MTAGIC Project: Prep up for the next phase

Since our last update on the MTAGIC project last semester [MTAGIC blogpost], we have been continuing analysis of our dataset from the adults in our study. I’m working on the mobile applications for the user studies involving children. The team… Read More

MTAGIC Project: Adults’ data exploration

We have finished the user study with adult sessions two weeks ago and look forward to recruiting children from a local school to participate in our user study soon. We are now exploring the raw data from adults. Following instructions… Read More

MTAGIC Project: Effect of context

On the MTAGIC project we have been working on developing better touchscreen interfaces for children, starting with understanding how kids actually use touchscreens and whether this differs from how adults do. We’ve seen evidence in our earlier studies that kids’… Read More