Aishat Aloba. Tailoring Motion Recognition Systems to Children’s Motions. 2019. International Conference on Multimodal Interaction Doctoral Consortium (ICMI ’19). 457-462. [PDF]
“Motion-based applications are becoming increasingly popular among children and require accurate motion recognition to ensure meaningful interactive experiences. However, motion recognizers are usually trained on adults’ motions. Children and adults differ in terms of their body proportions and development of their neuromuscular systems, so children and adults will likely perform motions differently. Hence, motion recognizers tailored to adults will likely perform poorly for children. My PhD thesis will focus on identifying features that characterize children’s and adults’ motions. This set of features will provide a model that can be used to understand children’s natural motion qualities and will serve as the first step in tailoring recognizers to children’s motions. This paper describes my past and ongoing work toward this end and outlines the next steps in my PhD work.”