INIT Lab director to consult on design for families in healthcare…

Recently, the INIT Lab learned that one of our collaborators, Dr. Danielle Jake-Schoffman, from UF’s College of Health and Human Performance (HHP) in the Department of Health Education & Behavior, has received an NIH-sponsored R21 grant called “FamilyFit: Promoting Family-Based Physical Activity and Weight Gain Prevention through Mobile Technology.” Dr. Jake-Schoffman directs the EXHale Lab, which designs and develops technology-based interventions for promoting physical activity and healthy eating behaviors. As part of this funding, INIT Lab director, Dr. Lisa Anthony, will be consulting with Dr. Jake-Schoffman’s team on human-centered design methods, especially for children and parents, during the iterative design and development of the FamilyFit app. We are excited to work with Dr. Jake-Schoffman and her team!