This study is aimed at examining informal science learning outcomes for the general public. The IPES project will bring existing specialist-oriented visualizations to be more layperson-relevant. We are currently studying the interaction of users with table top surfaces, wall mount touch devices and spherical visualization devices (also known as digital video globes). We are also working on developing applications with an interaction data collection framework to help us better collect and study user interaction patterns
I am a graduate student at the University of Florida. Being a part of the INIT lab team has exposed me to the cutting edge technology in the field of Computer Science.I am currently working on the IPES project with developing a research application for the Microsoft Table-Top Surface and I have previously worked on the MTAGIC project with the application development on the Android Platform. As a Student Research Assistant at the INIT lab, it has not only given me the opportunity to work on different technologies but has also made me aware of the research conducts, guidelines and processes.