MTAGIC Project: Adults’ data exploration

We have finished the user study with adult sessions two weeks ago and look forward to recruiting children from a local school to participate in our user study soon. We are now exploring the raw data from adults. Following instructions and advices from Dr. Anthony, we have aggregated our data and then have looked for mistakes, errors and unexpected behaviors within such data. We didn’t find obvious outliers, except that the data of one participant in Target Game activity were logged incorrectly because of technical issues.

I am a graduate student at the University of Florida. I’m expecting that the MTAGIC project will help me to learn research skills, and it really does. In the last two weeks, I have learned how to use Shell Scripting to aggregate data and how to use Pivot Table to explore, to analyze and then to filter mistakes and errors in our data.

-Qingchuan Zhao “Bruce”